Take 7 good cybersecurity practices to your company.

Cyber threat and vulnerability management has never faced so many challenges. Although there are many digital vulnerability scanning tools to prevent different attacks and detect different types of cyber threats, the effectiveness of these digital tools lies in applying good cybersecurity practices in your company.

Avoid the hijacking of your information

One of the most recognized viruses or malware is ransomware. It is a type of malware or malicious code that infects in order to prevent the use of your equipment or systems.

How does ransomware work? The cybercriminal takes control of your computers or systems that he has infected and hijacks them by encrypting the information, locking the screen, preventing you from accessing it completely because you no longer have authorization. In those cases, to regain control of your information, you will have to pay the ransom to gain access to your systems again.

Ransomware is just one example of what can happen to your organization as a result of not having cybersecurity measures in place that can provide you with advanced digital protection.

The absence or failure to update cybersecurity tools puts your company at risk from:

✓) Theft and/or leak of information

✓) Data penetration

✓) Virus infection

✓) SQL injection

✓) DDos

✓) Zero-Day Attacks

✓) Hash Exploitation

Protect your company to avoid cyber attacks

It implements frameworks or international standards. These are frameworks that aim to facilitate the solution of cybersecurity problems. For example, when you apply ethical hacking (EH) scanning and application vulnerability analysis to your systems, you are carrying out digital security processes that adhere to good practices such as OWASP methodologies, NIST standards, and cybersecurity tools.

Follow these good practices to strengthen your company’s cybersecurity and avoid malware

  1. Update your systems
  2. Make patches
  3. Block open ports
  4. Classifies the most sensitive and confidential information
  5. Monitor systematically
  6. Implement and automate your processes
  7. Make your employees aware

To consolidate the above, we recommend carrying out a cybersecurity diagnosis in your company, based on the following actions:

  • Perform vulnerability scans or tests
  • Run Pentesting tests
  • Carries out audits of ISO/IEC 27001:2013, NIST, 27018
  • Identify the processes of each of your systems
  • Identify the criticality of your organization’s assets
  • Sets the frequency of scans (by running vulnerability scanning tools).
  • Has a ReadTeam service

Learn about some advantages that your company acquires by having adequate cybersecurity measures:

✓ Prevent a ransomware event that could result in a $20 million ransom payment.

✓ Build trust with your customers

✓ Get corporate security

✓ Help developers have fewer bugs thanks to pentesting.

✓ Avoid million-dollar losses in sensitive data and/or unrecognized purchases.

And by abounding in the benefits offered by the implementation of digital security measures in your company, these capabilities that you can obtain stand out:

  • Identifies technical vulnerabilities that cannot be detected by an organizational vulnerability scan.
  • Identifies and classifies findings according to international risk management standards such as CVSSv3.1
  • Makes a solution plan and continuous improvement based on the findings detected
  • Classifies vulnerabilities according to their risk level: critical, high, low, informational.
  • Provide evidence of exploitation and its impact on your organization.

When you carry out this type of good practice, you strengthen the security in the code of your applications, avoiding large cybersecurity holes, gaps that digital criminals take advantage of.

Do you have questions or would you like more information?

At Itera we can provide consulting services and solutions, pentesting, vulnerability testing, social engineering, ReadTeam service and audits, among others.

Contact a specialist: seguridad@iteraprocess.com

Contact an account executive: irma.monroy@iteraprocess.com