IT ERA, S.A. DE C.V. with address to hear and receive notifications at José Luis Lagrange No. 103, Piso 3-A1, Col. Los Morales Polanco C.P. 11510, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its Regulations, in order to guarantee privacy and the legitimate and informed treatment of your Personal Data, makes available to you the following Privacy Notice:
1. Consent of the Owner
For the purposes of the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the LFPDP) and other applicable legislation, the Owner declares (i) that this Notice has been made known to him by the Responsible Party, (ii) has read, understood and agreed to the terms set forth in this Notice, for which he grants his consent with respect to the processing of his personal data, acts will be carried out that constitute the express consent of the Owner and (iii) that he grants his consent for IT ERA or its Processors to carry out transfers and/or remittances of personal data in terms of the section called “Transfers” of this Notice.
2. Purposes
The Processing of Personal Data has the primary purpose of:
3. Personal data collected
The term “Personal Data” in this Notice refers to all personal information that can be used to identify you, which will be the following:
IT ERA informs you that, in the event of collecting financial and patrimonial data, such as Credit Card Data, they do not require express consent to be used. The foregoing, in accordance with Articles 8, 10 and 37 of the Law.
4. Transfers
IT ERA may transfer your Personal Data to third parties commercially or contractually related to IT ERA, as long as it is necessary to comply with the purposes described in this privacy notice. IT ERA may also transfer your Personal Data in the specific cases provided for by law.
Therefore, IT ERA may transfer your Personal Data to the following entities:
Third parties and entities receiving Personal Data assume the same obligations and/or responsibilities as IT ERA, in accordance with what is described in this Privacy Notice. IT ERA will ensure that such third parties maintain adequate administrative, technical and physical security measures to safeguard your Personal Data, as well as that said third parties use your Personal Data solely and exclusively for the purposes for which they were contracted and in accordance with this Privacy Notice and the Law.
5. ARCO Rights
IT ERA informs the Owner of the Personal Data that he/she may exercise at any time the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and/or Opposition (ARCO) to the processing of his/her Personal Data, as well as revoke his/her consent, through the submission of a written request at the address of IT ERA, or through the email:
To facilitate access to ARCO rights, they are described below:
The application to exercise your ARCO rights must contain the following information:
In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the Owner must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports their request.
In order to comply with the obligation of access to your personal data, the identity of the Owner or the personality of the representative will be previously accredited; making the information available on site at the Responsible Party’s home. Another means may be agreed between the Owner and the Responsible Party provided that the information requested allows it.
To exercise any of the ARCO rights, as well as to request the applicable forms, the Owner may send the respective request to the e-mail address, or in writing to the following address: José Luis Lagrange No. 103, Piso 3-A1, Colonia los Morales Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo C.P. 11510. The Owner shall describe the Personal Data to which he refers and the Right he seeks to exercise.
In the event that the information provided in your application is erroneous or insufficient, or if the corresponding accreditation documents are not attached, we may ask you, within five working days of receiving the application, to provide the elements or documents necessary to process it. The Owner will have ten working days to respond to the requirement, counted from the day after receiving it.
If no response is given within this period, the corresponding application will be deemed not to have been submitted.
IT ERA will respond to the Owner within a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date on which the request was received, so that, if appropriate, it may be made effective within fifteen business days following the response is communicated. In all cases, the response will be given by the same means by which you have submitted your application or, where appropriate, by any other means agreed with the Owner. The aforementioned deadlines may be extended in terms of the LFPDP.
6. Limitation of Use and Disclosure of Information
The Controller and/or its Processors will keep the Owner’s personal data for as long as necessary to process their requests for information, products and/or services, as well as to maintain accounting, financial and audit records in terms of the LFPDP and current commercial, tax and administrative legislation.
The personal data collected will be protected by adequate administrative, technical and physical security measures against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment, in accordance with the provisions of the LFPDP and other applicable legislation. Notwithstanding the above, IT ERA does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to access the physical or logical systems of the Data Controllers or the Data Controller or the electronic documents and files stored in their systems. Consequently, IT ERA will not be liable under any circumstances for any damages that may arise from such unauthorised access.
You may also limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data in accordance with the following:
7. Modifications to the Privacy Notice
IT ERA reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice as it deems appropriate. Therefore, it is important that you periodically review whether the updated version of the Privacy Notice has been uploaded to the page and verify if it has any relevant changes, which will be available to you on the website.
Therefore, IT ERA is not responsible for any modifications that you are unaware of due to the non-periodic review of the same.
IT ERA acknowledges that the site may fault, so if any occur on this site, you should send an email to the following address:
8. Complaints
If the Owner considers that his/her Right to Personal Data Protection has been subject to improper treatment or contrary to the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its Regulations, he/she may file a complaint or complaint with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). For more information:
This notice was last updated July 2018.