Grupo Estrella Blanca: Modernization of digital infrastructure that achieves constant innovation

Grupo Estrella Blanca is a leading Mexican company in the transportation sector, mainly in passenger transportation. With more than eight decades of existence, the company has faced multiple challenges to offer new services to its customers.


Discover how we help Grupo Estrella Blanca to have greater capacity for innovation to elevate its customers’ experience. Based on best practices to boost the quality of your services with cloud technology.

Date published:

  • February 2022

Solution components:

  • DataDog
  • Core services
  • Virtual servers and instances
  • Databases and RDS
  • Storage
  • Connectivity


Modernizing your infrastructure is a key point to achieving innovation. Constantly adapting to the needs of the market and its customers is one of the corporate’s priorities and, to this extent, they needed to begin greater digitization through the use of QR codes and sending tickets to their users’ emails.

As part of the challenges it faces to offer new services to its customers, the company had the challenge of redesigning its web portals to achieve ticket sales supported by more innovative digital solutions.


Although its commercial portals were already in the cloud, the innovation part accelerated by relying on Itera for the operation of various applications with deep and personalized technical support, satisfying the high requirements of Grupo Estrella Blanca.

Through the technical advice and full support of our certified specialists, a continuous innovation approach was achieved. Taking advantage of AWS services through cloud solution proposals, integration and data that drove a better design of its architecture.


  • Cloud migration of 100% of its commercial and administrative portals that were also redesigned.
  • 50% cost optimization by eliminating outdated services and reducing legacy accounts.
  • Evolution of its digital ecosystem by interconnecting AWS products with Grupo Estrella Blanca applications and developing new products that improve the customer experience.
  • Best practices of the architecture framework and in disaster recovery solutions.

See you in the cloud!

Just like Grupo Estrella Blanca, your company can also count on a greater capacity for innovation and boost its business. By choosing AWS solutions with our Cloud Centric approach, you elevate your customer experience by making better use of the cloud environment in line with your goals.

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