After this standard appeared in 1990 as a safety standard, the International Standards Organization published it as ISO 17799 in the early 2000s. And, five years later, it changed its name to ISO 27001.
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Cloud technology drives innovation in the financial industry
In the face of technological advances, the change in the ways of interacting and the growing need for increasingly personalized customer experiences, the financial services industry faces the challenge of digitalization.
Bring 7 good cybersecurity practices to your company.
Cyber threat and vulnerability management has never faced so many challenges. While there are many digital vulnerability scanning tools to prevent different attacks and detect different types of cyber threats, the effectiveness of these digital tools lies in applying good cybersecurity practices in your company
How to assess your company’s information security
Adopting new technologies as a fundamental part of the evolutionary process of digital transformation involves knowing, identifying and understanding new risks, incidents, events, vulnerabilities and threats that companies may be facing.
What is Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an access management component that requires users to prove their identity using at least two different verification factors before gaining access to a website, mobile app, or any other online resource.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is a malicious practice that aims to obtain sensitive information, doing so through the manipulation of legitimate users so that they reveal it to the attacker.
Updated: ISO/IEC 27002:2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
Microsoft releases patches for vulnerabilities in Azure
Wiz discovered information about a set of vulnerabilities in Linux virtual machines in the Azure cloud. This occurred when using the proprietary agent functions of the Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) platform.
Companies believe they will suffer a breach in customer data next year
In the new digital era, cybersecurity and information security has become indispensable for various organizations such as private or public, every year more risks in information have increased, information theft, identity theft, bribery, viruses such as Ransomware, phishing, among others, we all know that security is very important today, but what you don’t see and that can put you in a vulnerable situation is also a priority today.