Endless waits and poor communication are things of the past. The satisfactory customer experience is obtained as new technologies are incorporated that do not only require traditional human intervention, interacting efficiently to reach the solution without delays through various means of access and communication.
We know that seeking customer service is no longer exclusively a job of the traditional contact center or customer service team. What was previously known as a call center has become a multichannel Smart Contact Center, enabling an omnichannel interaction center, which gradually evolves into a customer experience (CX) center.
Therefore, this would be an overview of the challenges, solutions and transformations in the Smart Contact Center today and in the future.
This is linked to issues of costs, benefits, changing customer expectations, the role of customer experience as a whole, and the impact of technological evolution.
At Itera we focus on improving the customer experience by integrating everything necessary into a Smart Contact Center, the key ally that optimizes business relationships and with which more opportunities are discovered. It’s just a matter of taking care to the next level.
Calls made from smartphones to U.S. merchants are expected to reach nearly 162 billion by 2019. This represents a 73% increase since 2015.
So that attention flows in the fastest and most accurate way, until empathetic attention and effective solutions with low attention times are achieved. For this, it is necessary to leave the traditional Contact Center behind.
Minimize risks in the management and processing of information to comply with international standards, safeguarding the information with the necessary integrity to give customers confidence with their secure data.
Maintain and increase customer satisfaction throughout the service phase. Through established and analyzed models that can give the customer a full vision of the way of operating, entering into continuous improvement in the service life cycle.
Guarantee the performance of the operation through the standardization of processes.
Achieving high availability to users and payment only per use, providing the necessary and timely support on demand.
Generate a Chatbot to reduce complaints and increase sales to cover service during non-working hours and holidays.
Ease of deploying your cloud infrastructure to minimize costs and increase performance. Without having the responsibility of maintaining an entire infrastructure and support on their own.
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