Government of the State of Guanajuato: High availability that increases confidence

La Secretaría de Finanzas del Gobierno del estado de Guanajuato se encarga de la administración y asuntos contables de los recursos económicos de la entidad.


Discover how we help the Guanajuato State Government achieve greater speed and reliability in its services. Our specialists accompanied them at every stage of the adoption of advanced cloud technology.

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The electronic signature service is failing due to capacity limitations on its on-premise servers. The constant falls are derived from the increase in demand that exceeds the characteristics of its platform.

The Solution

The design and implementation of an infrastructure in AWS that allows high availability and scalability to avoid interruptions in their services, through expert support during each stage of migration and configuration.


  • Support 1 million 800 thousand annual transactions of certified electronic signatures, simultaneous to an educational platform and administrative procedures, as well as the provisioning of its main website and those corresponding to other municipalities and dependencies.

See you in the cloud!

Just like the Government of Guanajuato, your organization can also print faster and more reliable services. By choosing AWS solutions with our Cloud Centric approach, the technological benefits are reflected in the quality of customer service.

See you in the cloud!

Your company can raise its safety and quality levels. By choosing cloud solutions with our cloud-centric approach, the economic and technological benefits are reflected in the robustness of each development.

Contact Us

Request a free consultation. Send us a message and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.

    "Cloud Services":