Miguel Hernández University : Continuous innovation, optimized performance

The Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) is a multi-campus higher education institution in the province of Alicante. Currently, it has a community of approximately 1,100 academics and 15,000 students. It is a young public institution that is committed to continuing to incorporate innovation and excellence to continue climbing positions. According to different quality indicators, the UMH ranks among the best Spanish universities in the parameters of innovation and technological development, in teaching, and in the field of industry, innovation, and infrastructures.


Find out how we help Miguel Hernández University through the technological synergy established between our certified specialists and the proper implementation of AWS solutions. And in this way, give continuity to your digital transformation with high-quality support.

Publication Date:

  • April 2023 (Current)

Solution componentes:

  • AWS Direct Connect
  • Route 53
  • Cloudfront
  • AWS S3
  • AWS Backup
  • S3 Glacier


The university's technological strategy is going through a decade-long road map, of which it has been going on for 3 years. The goal is to build a hybrid infrastructure (cloud/on-premise) that allows them to make their operations more flexible.

On this path, the institution is migrating processes and workloads capable of using native AWS services. It is immersed in the management and migration of all the IoT that its administration has incorporated in recent years, simultaneously with storage under a new data lake that allows them to update their dashboards.


Adopt a set of measures based on cloud infrastructures. These enable the continuity in the operation of all its teaching, management and research activities at any time.

Through the technological synergy established between our certified specialists and the proper implementation of AWS solutions, the university continues its digital transformation with high-quality support as part of Itera continuous delivery of value.

The technological synergy of AWS with Itera is total, providing us with maximum support and trust with great professionals at the helm

said David Úbeda, head of the Technology Planning and Application Development Section at the UMH.


  • Launch the new Virtual Campus based on Moodle, whose infrastructure is entirely supported by the AWS cloud as the core point of its business model in teaching and e-office.
  • Achieve in a simplified way a dynamic dimensioning directly proportional to the increase in the load due to various activities (exams, assignment delivery, etc.).
  • High availability, scalability, and resiliency that deliver AWS services at the highest level.
  • Earn AWS Cloud Infrastructure training credits for your IT professionals to accelerate their migration to the cloud.

See you in the cloud

Just like Miguel Hernández University, your educational institution can also have greater operational capacity and optimize its costs. By choosing AWS solutions with our cloud-centric approach, you boost your business and get better use of your resources in a cloud environment.


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