Francisco de Vitoria University : Agile and secure digital environments

The Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) has 2 university campuses, more than 50 bachelor’s and postgraduate degrees, being part of an international network of training centers from Europe, the United States and Latin America.


Discover how we help the Francisco de Vitoria University to have an AWS architecture based on applications that integrate the tools necessary for each course and its corresponding deployment. Our specialists achieved this through the design and detailed implementation of cloud solutions.

Solution components:

  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon RDS – MySQL
  • Certificate Manager
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Glacier
  • Amazon SES
  • CloudWatch
  • AWS config
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • CloudFront


Due to the diversity of tools used in the laboratories of the multiple degrees of the University. The UFV needed to have an environment that allowed them to have agile management, flexibility adapted to demand, that was centralized, that reduced direct dependence on physical resources, and that had the possibility of multiplatform access from any device.

The UFV required an environment with a secure and direct connection that was connected and communicated with its own resources, which would allow it to integrate with user management, security policies and single access from the student and teaching management portals.

The main objective to be achieved was to give the University the capacity to deploy the different laboratory environments necessary in each period of the year, allowing it to provide flexibility in its management and deployment, as well as elastically sizing the volume of resources.


  • Have a secure, connected and communicated environment with its own resources that manages to integrate with user management, security policies and single access from the student and teaching management portals.
  • Have the capacity to deploy the different laboratory environments necessary in each period of the year, providing flexibility in its management and the ability to elastically size the volume of resources.

See you in the cloud!

Just like the Francisco de Vitoria University, your educational institution can have a more secure and flexible digital environment. By choosing AWS solutions with our cloud-centric approach, the technological benefits are reflected in digital environments that strengthen academic prestige.

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